Posted on September 9, 2021 in ATSC News
Sergio Amatangelo is Director of Sales, Strategic Accounts for Crown Castle. He became involved in ATSC 3.0 while working with broadcasters to understand the next iteration of their business and how Crown Castle could help enable this evolution. Amatangelo says he saw a synergy that explained how.
“The ‘why’ flowed from the moment that it became apparent to me that given the opportunity to build a network similar to those that we have built for our wireless customers, the unique mix of our tower, rooftop, fiber, small cell, data center and edge computing assets and strategic focus on activity in the United States, there was a synergy that naturally demanded attention and direction.”
Crown Castle has representation in PT6, PT8, TG3, TG3/S43 and TG3/S32. Now that the standard has been completed, Amatangelo says he’s most proud of what’s to come.
“I’m thrilled to continue to work with broadcasters to enable the next generation of their business and to accomplish what hasn’t been done before. This is uncharted territory, begging for innovation, creativity and adaptability.”
The positive impact of ATSC 3.0 is something that is already showing powerful results. Amatangelo says the standard has the potential to not only revolutionize the place of broadcasters in the hierarchy of connectivity, but also to transform broadcasters from a more traditional business model to a model with potentially limitless commodity.
“They can add layers to the traditional revenue streams that would not be possible without the new standard. They will be able to not only provide enhanced content but build the pipeline that will carry data. The everyday consumer will certainly see a benefit from an enhanced viewing experience, targeted advertising, real time advanced warning capabilities and interactive content.”
Amatangelo says spectrum slicing and edge orchestration allowing for leased spectrum is certainly the most impressive feature of ATSC 3.0. He says it takes the industry beyond broadcasting into the world of mobility and connectivity and is a game changer which opens the broadcast industry into previously uncharted territory.
Amatangelo earned a Bachelor of Arts (major in English, minor in Philosophy) from The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. and a Juris Doctor from Duquesne University School of Law in Pittsburgh, PA. He began his career out of college by coaching high school soccer, initially worked at Mellon Bank in Facilities Management, clerked in the United States District Court, Third Circuit, worked for firms specializing in mergers and acquisitions and family law and spent time in a family business. He found his way to Crown Castle via a friend’s wife who had been working in HR following several major acquisitions. Within Crown Castle Amatangelo has had the opportunity to work across the business in corporate and field functions, Sales and Operations positions and among tower, small cell and venue teams. His current position allows him the opportunity to explore new technologies, use cases, migrations in businesses and new entrants into the space. It has been an ongoing journey and one in which Amatangelo has relished each chapter and looks forward to the adventures ahead.
Amatangelo and his wife Lynne are celebrating 25 years this May. They have been blessed with three outstanding children: a daughter Cara who is graduating from Miami University of Ohio and preparing to begin her Physician’s Assistant graduate certification program in the fall, a daughter Olivia who is graduating from high school and beginning her undergraduate work at the University of Georgia in August and a son Nicholas who is completing his sophomore year in high school. Amatangelo’s hobbies include – soccer (playing through college and coaching all three kids up until high school), travel, running, biking and writing – he has written three children’s books, one that has been published, and he also has a coffee table book about him and his son’s travels to Major League Baseball parks also in the works.
Posted in ATSC News
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Advanced Television Systems Committee, Inc.
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The Advanced Television Systems Committee, Inc., is an international, non-profit organization developing voluntary standards and recommended practices for digital terrestrial broadcasting. ATSC member organizations represent the broadcast, broadcast equipment, motion picture, consumer electronics, computer, cable, satellite, and semiconductor industries. ATSC also develops digital terrestrial broadcasting implementation strategies and supports educational activities on ATSC standards.
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